July 24, 2013

July 24, 2013
In this article We are going to discuss about How to create and passing the parameters between controller and views in CodeIgniter (CI). In my previous article, I have explained about How to Create a Hello World application in CodeIgniter (CI).

In my previous article, I have clearly explained How to create controllers and views. So, In this article just explain about how to passing the argument (parameters) between controllers and views in CodeIgniter (CI).

Step 1 :

Open the already created "helloworld.php" file in the folder "<root folder>/application/controllers". Add the some codes in that file. The final "helloworld.php" file contains the below codes.

class Helloworld extends CI_Controller 
var $text_to_display;
var $text_color;
public function __construct()
$this->text_to_display = 'World!';
$this->text_color = 'red';
public function display()
$data['text_to_display'] = $this->text_to_display;
$data['text_color'] = $this->text_color;

Step 2:

Open the view file "display_view.php" file in the folder "<root folder>/application/views" and add some codes in that file. The final "display_view.php" file contains the below codes.

Hello <font color="<?php echo $text_color; ?>"><?php echo $text_to_display; ?></font>

Step 3:

Paste the below URL in the browser address bar and see the output.



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